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Tracking Macro vs. Micro Conversions

In Web Analytics by Matt Chiera

Most marketers and webmaster are familiar with the concept of website conversions: the desired actions taken on your website. However, I see many people make the mistake of not differentiating between “micro” and “macro” conversions or grouping these conversions together. …

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Profiling a Successful Tech Startup: Belly

In Matt's Musings by Matt Chiera

For a Stanford University Tech Entrepreneurship course I’m taking, we were asked to profile a successful local startup, focusing on the key factors that make the startup a success or contributed to it’s early-stage growth.  Here’s my research on Belly, …

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What is DecideGuide Chicago, and Why?

In Matt's Musings by Matt Chiera

What is DecideGuide Chicago? DecideGuide Chicago is the amazing new FREE iPhone App designed, developed, and published by Ice Nine Online. DecideGuide is the greatest way to find the best experiences in Chicago, based on your mood. Our team of …

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Is the Future of Mobile Advertising in Apps?

In Advertising by Matt Chiera

Users spend, on average, 82% of their mobile minutes with apps and 18% with web browsers. There’s no doubt apps are a powerful tool to generate brand engagement. Red Bull has released free games to engage and communicate with customers, …