Local SEO Tactics for 2024: Embracing AI and Beyond

In Search Engine Optimization (SEO) by Matt Chiera3 Comments

Local businesses can’t afford to ignore the power of Local Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO has changed quite a bit over the last few years. There are new strategies and tactics to explore, especially with the rise of AI and voice search technologies. In this guide, we’ll unpack proven strategies as well as introduce emerging tactics, including AI-driven approaches utilizing ChatGPT, which are essential for Local SEO success.

The Evergreen Cornerstones of Local SEO

Google Business Profile (GBP) Optimization

Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business) remains the cornerstone of any Local SEO strategy. It’s more than just claiming your listing; the aim is to make your business profile as robust as possible.

  • Example: A local B2B accounting firm could regularly update its GBP listing with the latest accounting news and recommendations and post updates about extended holiday hours.
  • Recommendations:
    • Complete all fields accurately including business name, address, and hours of operation.
    • Regularly update posts to announce events, sales, or special offers.
    • Actively manage and respond to reviews to improve your online reputation.
    • Make sure you have a process in place to acquire customer reviews on an ongoing basis. Google is adding business reviews to its AI-driven Search Generative Experience (SGE) local results. Now, more than ever, it’s crucial to have a large number of GBP reviews.

Local Keywords and Link Building

Equally important is the use of local keywords. Not only should these be in your meta descriptions and titles, but they should also appear in the content where relevant.

  • Example: An IP attorney in Boston might target keywords like “best IP attorney in Boston” or “affordable Boston IP and trademark attorney.”
  • Recommendations:
    • Use Google’s Keyword Planner to identify high-volume, low-competition local keywords.
    • Use AlsoAsked to identify long-tail variations and keyword search intent.
    • Develop local partnerships for cross-promotions and valuable backlinks.
    • Get involved in local events and PR to garner backlinks from local publications.

Optimizing Your Directory Listings

When it comes to Local SEO, directory listings serve as an indispensable tool for boosting your online presence and search ranking. Much like a digital Yellow Pages, these directories can either make or break your local visibility, depending on how well they’re optimized. This section delves into the nitty-gritty of how to maximize your directory listings for optimum local impact, covering everything from NAP consistency to choosing the right directories and fine-tuning your profiles.

General and Niche Directories & Moz Local

  • Example: Apart from general directories like Foursquare and Whitepages, also look for niche directories specific to your industry. A restaurant could consider listings on Zomato, for instance.
  • Recommendations:
    • Use high-authority, reputable directories to ensure quality backlinks.
    • Niche directories are highly valuable as they are more targeted and can bring in more relevant traffic.
    • Instead of updating your business information in each individual directory, you can use a tool like Moz Local to automatically distribute the data across hundreds of directories.

Complete Profiles and Keyword Usage

  • Example: Fill out the directory profiles as completely as possible, including business description, hours, services, and even images where applicable.
  • Recommendations:
    • Use relevant local keywords in your business description to boost local SEO.
    • Make sure your profile is 100% complete; many directories give preference to fully completed profiles in their ranking algorithms.

Reviews and Ratings

  • Example: Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews on these directories. A business with higher ratings often shows up before others in search results.
  • Recommendations:
    • Respond to both positive and negative reviews to show you value customer feedback.
    • Utilize any tools offered by the directory to promote your positive reviews.

Backlinks and Anchor Text

  • Example: Some directories allow you to include backlinks to your website. When possible, use localized anchor text for these backlinks.
  • Recommendations:
    • Aim for natural-sounding anchor text that relates to your local services.
    • Use different but relevant anchor texts for different directories to avoid appearing spammy.

Optimizing Web Pages for Local SEO

Web pages, being the core of your online presence, hold immense importance in your Local SEO strategy. From title tags to content and local schema, there are multiple elements to consider. Here’s a comprehensive look at how you can optimize each component of your web pages for better local search rankings.

User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI)

  • Example: A well-designed, easy-to-navigate website enhances user experience, which in turn can lower bounce rates, increase engagement rates, and improve rankings.
  • Recommendations:
    • Use simple navigation and clear CTAs.
    • Optimize page load speed for both desktop and mobile.
    • Use a popular Content Management System (CMS) like WordPress.

Title Tags and Meta Descriptions

  • Example: If you run a dental clinic in Austin, your title tag could be “Affordable Dental Services in Austin | [Your Clinic’s Name].”
  • Recommendations:
    • Include the local keyword, generally the location, at the beginning or end of the title tag.
    • Your meta description should also contain localized keywords.
    • Ensure each page has a unique title and meta description to avoid duplicate content issues.

Header Tags (H1, H2, H3)

  • Example: An H1 tag could be “Welcome to [Your Clinic’s Name], Your Trusted Dentist in Austin.”
  • Recommendations:
    • Use local keywords naturally within header tags.
    • Structure your headers logically to break up content and improve readability.


  • Example: When writing about services, you could include, “As a leading dentist in Austin, we provide a range of services, including…”
  • Recommendations:
    • Use localized keywords naturally throughout the content.
    • Mention local landmarks or local news events relevant to your business.


  • Example: If you have an image of your storefront, the alt text could be “[Business Name] in [Location].”
  • Recommendations:
    • Use relevant alt text with localized keywords for images.
    • Optimize image sizes for quicker load times.

Internal Links

  • Example: Link to your “Contact Us” page with anchor text like “Contact your trusted Austin dentist today.”
  • Recommendations:
    • Use descriptive, local keyword-rich anchor text for internal links.
    • Ensure that important local pages are easily accessible from other parts of the website.

Customer Reviews and Testimonials

  • Example: Display reviews or testimonials that mention the excellent local service you provide.
  • Recommendations:
    • Use real, verified reviews to build trust.
    • If the review mentions a specific location or service, that’s even better for local SEO.

Calls to Action (CTAs)

  • Example: Use clear, compelling CTAs like “Get Directions” or “Call Us Now for Immediate Assistance.”
  • Recommendations:
    • CTAs should be prominently displayed and easy to locate.
    • Consider using localized CTAs, such as “Visit Your Chicago Electrician Today.”

NAP Citations

  • Example: Ensure that your business’s name, address, and phone number are consistently mentioned across the web.
  • Recommendations:
    • Consistency is key; make sure your NAP details match those listed on your GMB profile.
    • Build NAP citations in local business directories and relevant websites.

Local Business Structured Data Markup

  • Example: Using Google’s (LocalBusiness) structured data, you can markup information like your business hours, reviews, location, and services.
  • Recommendations:
    • Use structured data to provide Google with specific information about the services you offer, reviews you’ve collected, and so on.
    • The more information Google has, the better your chances of showing up in rich snippets.

Multiformat Website Content for Local SEO

By creating content in multiple formats and optimizing it for local search, you can significantly improve your Local SEO performance. Each form of content serves a particular purpose and resonates differently with your audience, making a well-rounded, diversified content strategy essential for local SEO success.

Blog Posts

  • Example: Write blog posts that answer common questions your local customers have. For instance, a local health food store might publish articles like “The Best Organic Farms in [City Name].”
  • Recommendations:
    • Include local keywords naturally within the content.
    • Consider interviewing local figures or mentioning local events relevant to your business.

Local Landing Pages

  • Example: Create separate landing pages for each of the locations your business serves.
  • Recommendations:
    • Each landing page should be tailored with content specific to that location.
    • Make sure to include localized meta descriptions and title tags.

Local Highlights

  • Example: Create short video tours of your business or interviews with your staff.
  • Recommendations:
    • Tag these videos with local keywords.
    • Use geo-tagging features if available.

How-to Videos

  • Example: A local auto repair shop might make a how-to video on “Changing Your Oil at Home” but include location-specific tips like where to recycle old oil locally.
  • Recommendations:
    • Integrate local keywords into the video title and description.
    • Use local landmarks or culture to make the content more relatable.

Localized Imagery

  • Example: Use photographs of local landscapes, landmarks, or even local events that your business has participated in.
  • Recommendations:
    • Use appropriate alt text that includes local keywords for these images.
    • Optimize image file names with local keywords.


  • Example: Create an infographic on a topic that resonates with your local audience, such as “Top 10 Hiking Trails in [Local Area].”
  • Recommendations:
    • Share these infographics on local community boards or even with local bloggers to get valuable backlinks.
    • Include localized keywords in the infographic description and file name.

Community Content

  • Example: Run a photo contest where customers submit their favorite photos of your products in a local setting.
  • Recommendations:
    • Use these user-generated images in your content, as they provide social proof while boosting local relevance.
    • Always get permission and give credit when using user-generated content.

Leveraging Social Media for Local SEO Enhancement

Social media might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think about Local SEO, but it plays a vital role in shaping your local online presence and improving your search rankings. These platforms not only allow you to connect with your community but also provide additional avenues for local content and customer engagement, which indirectly influences your SEO metrics. In this section, we’ll explore the strategies and best practices for using social media to elevate your Local SEO game.

Relevant Local Keywords

  • Example: Use keywords that resonate with your local audience in your social media posts. For instance, a local cafe could use phrases like “[City Name] Best Coffee” or “[Neighborhood] Cafe.”
  • Recommendations:
    • Perform local keyword research to identify phrases that are commonly searched for by your target audience.
    • Use these keywords in your social media bio, posts, and even hashtags.

Hashtags for Local Events or News

  • Example: Use or create hashtags related to local events, news, or even seasons. E.g., #ChicagoWinterSale or #AustinMusicFestival.
  • Recommendations:
    • These hashtags can get you noticed by residents who are following or searching these tags, thereby increasing local visibility.

Location Tags on Instagram and Facebook

  • Example: When posting images or stories on platforms like Instagram or Facebook, use the location tagging feature to specify your local business area.
  • Recommendations:
    • This increases the chance of appearing in local searches on these platforms.
    • Encourage customers to also geo-tag their posts when they visit your business.

Reviews and Testimonials

  • Example: Encourage happy customers to share their positive experiences on social media platforms, tagging your business.
  • Recommendations:
    • Showcase these testimonials on your own social media and website.
    • Use schema markup to make these reviews count toward your local business ratings.

Local User-Generated Campaigns & Influencers

  • Example: Run social media campaigns encouraging local users to share their favorite experiences about your service using a particular hashtag.
  • Recommendations:
    • Feature the best UGC on your own social channels, providing credit to the original creators.
    • Collaborate with local influencers who align with your brand to feature your products or services.

Advanced Local SEO Tactics for 2024

As we navigate through an increasingly digital landscape, Local SEO strategies must evolve to incorporate the latest technologies and consumer behaviors. In this context, tools and approaches like AI, voice search, and geofencing have become quintessential. This section will explore the intricacies of integrating these cutting-edge techniques to bolster your local SEO efforts.

The Rise of Voice Search

Voice search is increasingly becoming a significant factor in Local SEO. It’s essential to optimize for conversational queries which people commonly use with voice assistants.

  • Example: Rather than targeting “New York coffee shops,” also include “Where’s the best coffee shop near me?” in your keyword list.
  • Recommendations:
    • Use long-tail, conversational keywords.
    • Create local FAQ pages answering common voice search queries.

AI and Chatbots

The use of AI, particularly chatbots like ChatGPT, has multiple implications for Local SEO.

  • Example: Imagine your bot helping a user find directions to your store or explaining your newest services; this enhanced engagement can indirectly impact your local search rankings.
  • Recommendations:
    • Deploy a ChatGPT/OpenAI-powered bot for 24/7 customer service.
    • Program your bot to provide specific local information, such as directions and hours of operation.

Using ChatGPT or Jasper for Brainstorming

  • Example: These AI tools can generate a list of local SEO-friendly blog post or webpage ideas based on your input keywords or business type. For instance, inputting “local organic grocery store” could yield ideas like “Top Local Organic Farms in [City Name].”
  • Recommendations:
    • Use AI to generate a large pool of ideas, then have your team filter through to pick the most relevant and engaging ones.
    • Always align AI-suggested ideas with your overall content strategy and business goals.

Structuring AI Content

  • Example: AI tools can also generate outlines for your chosen topics, helping you break down complex subjects into digestible sections.
  • Recommendations:
    • Utilize these outlines as a starting point, but allow human copywriters to adjust them according to the nuances of the topic and audience needs.

The Human Touch: Fine-Tuning and Storytelling

  • Example: While AI can write factual content, a human writer is needed to inject emotion, tell stories, or add humor and wit where appropriate.
  • Recommendations:
    • Use AI-generated drafts as a basis for human writers to build upon.
    • Writers should always check facts, especially if the AI tool has generated statistical or data-based content.

Hyperlocal Content and Geofencing

Content has always been king, but AI now allows you to produce hyperlocal content more efficiently. Geofencing, although not directly affecting SEO, can be a powerful complement to your Local SEO strategy.

  • Example: A retail store could set up a geofence to send targeted ads to customers who are within a mile of their location.
  • Recommendations:
    • Use AI tools to identify local events or trends for content creation.
    • Use geofencing to send location-based offers or advertisements.

Mobile and Analytics Priorities

In 2024, a mobile-friendly website is not optional; it’s a requirement. Google’s mobile-first indexing means your site’s mobile version will be considered for ranking and indexing before the desktop version. Equally important is the use of analytics tools designed to measure and track the performance of your Local SEO efforts.

  • Example: The success of a local business’s website can be monitored by using free analytics software and tools supplied by search engines.
  • Recommendations:

Need Help with Your Local SEO?

Feeling overwhelmed by the intricate details of Local SEO? You’re not alone, and that’s why we’re here to help. If diving into title tags, meta descriptions, and geofencing isn’t how you want to spend your precious time, consider letting our experienced team take the reins.

We specialize in crafting customized Local SEO strategies that not only boost your visibility but also drive meaningful engagement and conversions. Contact Ice Nine Online today to learn how we can help you rise to the top of local search results and keep you there, so you can focus on what you do best—running your business.


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